Tag Archives: Life Choices

The REAL Fairy Tales That We Should be Reading…


What if the fairy tales that we all know so well…missed a very valid point?

That the Princess doesn’t need to be rescued to live out her dreams???????????????????????

Life itself represents so many vast areas of how one finds happiness.  Hopefully by now…many of you see that there is no longer just one way of finding peace and happiness.

Write your own story in life…and if you need a little inspiration pick up Lovelace’s book of poetry on how to embrace life’s needed evolution’s!


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Get Your Hygge ON…


WELCOME to HYGEE…the Danish vibe for COZY…and I LOVE me ANYTHING that creates that vibe…no matter the language!


So get your HYGGE on!

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7 Ways to Good Design…

Interior Design is like any other art form…is such a personal expression.  Some create their homes with basic needs in mind, they look at their home simply as a shelter or a refuge from the world.  A home that is gathered with family items usually pieces that are dated and well past the “normal” wear and tear usage.   Then you have those that like to decorate with a very status quo esthetic.  Their homes have that  “hey…look I like to shop at all the same place’s that everybody else does so that I don’t look too showy or pretentious.”

The final category are for those that like to have their homes be the “over stylized glamourized emporium’s”.  Their room’s are usually a showplace that says…”hey look at me I’m a success!”   They represent a certain taste level that either the designer felt was appropriate at the time it was created, or perhaps they were thinking “this is what I liked when I walked into the closest furniture showroom”.

Those who usually DIY-it…usually feel that their taste is so much better than any “designer” can come up with-and have a great deal of pride knowing that they  saved a lot of money too.  Perhaps thinking “not only I’m a designer-but I’m smart too!”

Furniture showroom’s or design studios can be very beautiful and attention grabbing, we all can be captivated by a beautiful room they can be very inspiring.  So whether your style is slick and modern with a need for minimalism, or high traditional with a wide selection of fabrics with trims, pillow collections, and ginger jars.  I feel true interior design is a collection of elements that can literally be a 3D piece of art and like with all art-it is subjective.  Because what I like…someone else may despise.

So what separates good design from bad?  Well…that is the age old question.  It’s not that creating a basic room with pretty things is bad design.  Determining good design is more of a question of how you feel in that room.  So many homes fall into those basic categories that I have already discussed:

Basic Needs-Utilitarian Décor-No style or substance.

Classic Suburban Status Quo “I shop there too…we have so much in common!”

Highly Stylized Glamourized Emporiums-Please do not touch anything and for gosh sakes if you have to sit there…make it quick.  Because I will need to fluff that pillow again.  These EMPORIUM’s can be “designer” induced inspirations…or an individual’s compilation of self mutilation by bad taste singing the cliché phrase of “but look how much I saved.”

Either way the question at hand is what makes good design?  Huge-huge question…so my answer is of course multi-layered:

  • Comfort
  • Welcoming
  • Stylish
  • Interesting
  • Attention to Detail
  • Warmth
  • Collected

Well designed rooms are more than a pretty room…a well designed room evokes a feeling of WELCOME, come in, and sit for awhile.  That is why with so many taste levels and style preferences you see why it is difficult to say what is good design and what is bad.

My personal favorite to live in…is a bohemian inspired, with a collected-eclectic vibe…wow that is a mouthful.  Here are some pictures of some commercial and residential designs that have a very unique vibe.  These kind of environments make me happy!   I love a room where I can’t stop looking around…taking it all in.  Where I want to touch and discover something new and unique at every turn.  Those environments tell me that who ever created this…is interesting and very creative, and I need to know them.  “Pretty” rooms, say nothing about who lives there…or maybe it does…and that might be “that I don’t really have much to say”.


This is a fresh, new, and exciting-detailed and inviting all at the same time commercial space.  Real plants are huge again, love the mix of new and vintage furniture pieces combined, and the use of scale large and small…excellent job!


Loving the teal tile in classic hex pattern and the factory styled windows.  Personally the table (perhaps a gray marble) and rug could have been slicker…I know everyone’s a critique.


Loving the thrift art…personally I would done a lot more…perhaps a whole wall in the back!


Use of color…BRAVO…arrangement needs to be on left of the mantle!  Always start with highest element on the left…we read left to right.

Maybe that is the reason that I have always preferred to be called a Home Stylist versus an Interior Designer, a room needs to have a sense of STYLE to evoke interest…not just pretty fabric.

Thanks for stopping by!


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Is it Accept or Except…



The place was Windsor Elementary school in the northwest suburb’s of Chicago…and at this particular moment we where in the middle of changing classes. Passing through the hallway’s to our next class when my fourth grade English teacher needed to “call me out” in the front of all the “popular” kids (of course). He needed to choose that particular time to let me know that I couldn’t put two words together to save my life. There…there it was…my first public shaming.

Life holds so many vast experience’s, some really good and of course, the contrast…the really bad. As a child I had so many concepts of what would evolve in my own life. Constantly trying to project and visualize what my destiny would look like.

Never realizing that as I sit here…at what many would refer too as the mid point in my LIFE, and strangely enough I still feel so profoundly strong in the fact that “I have nothing, but to me I have everything”. Maybe a little to altruistic…but the truth.

I find this phrase to be somewhat of a personal victory slogan for myself, perhaps a silent one, but either way I have been able to find total bliss and acceptance of self, no matter the circumstance. Don’t get me wrong I will still have those moments of doubts and fears…but thankfully they’re just moments.

My story is not a reflection of a life gone by too quick with unfulfilled promises, nor even a story of a tragic incident that prevented a destiny. No…if anything this is a thank you note to myself for believing , trying, and aspiring. I have done a lot with the little that I had, what I have done and accomplished would barely strike an interest to others. But for me it was enough.

I have lived a very simple, ordinary, far less extraordinary life then many. So why does this deserve your attention? It doesn’t…if anything…while so many try so hard to achieve something that says “hey look at me…look at what I did…aren’t I special”? While in fact I enjoyed the reverse. I spent a lifetime discovering what makes me happy…what brings me peace…I spent many years creating and allowing and finally graduating with a degree of “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF ME”…which is strictly a self applied degree.

The reason that is so important is because when it all comes down to it…your the only one that needs to be comfortable with yourself. Once that occurs, then you are a success.

I think that so many are just trying to “figure out” how to obtain happiness and peace, along with a certain level of financial peace and safety. That when you mix that in with all the other day to day family or self-survival basics we become so programmed to routines and standard protocol, that we forget what life is about. To me life is about discovering and allowing

I have seen so many walks of life, the financially affluent, to those who don’t understand how they will get through the following day. We all have…such different CONCEPT’S about success and survival. I have personally experienced times where the money was flowing in and other times where it had completely dried up. So I know all about the dualities of life what it can bring.

This “everything” is a knowing, someplace deep inside you that no matter what happens…you will get through. This sense of self (accept)ance is not a suit of armor that you wear to protect yourself from the world with all of it’s many advantages and disadvantages. No, it’s more of a coat of accepting, accepting of self and others.  Which is a lot easier said then done. I feel that we are bred to be competitive, it’s our natural instinct…and with FACEBOOK? That forum allows you to strengthen and sharpen those skills daily.

We have such a dichotomy of personalities in the world, their are those who basically have no care or sensitivity to anyone but themselves, some over-give only to end up truly hating themselves, and then their are the silent ones, who are just plain afraid of everything. You would need to be a touch schizophrenic to even think you can be accepted/excepted by all.

So…I guess the magic word here is ACCEPT…yes that is the correct word in this case “accept”.  I feel that we all need to incorporate this word in our lives now, and for those who need a quick grammar refresher:

Except-To “leave out”.

Accept-To receive.

So that’s it…I just reduced the total life experience to a single word…ACCEPT. Yes, I can hear the mass gawful as I type this out, but is it really that simplistic and that over generalized. We as human’s just like to make life so very complicated. To ACCEPT yourself with all of gift’s and flaw’s is the true essence of life.  That gift will then allow you to achieve a sense of peace and well being…then you shall receive without exceptions.


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Often We All Wunderlust…So


Dreams…come in all shapes, sizes and destinies’.  So many believe that the desire in life is to accumulate, acquire and “out do” their competitors whether they’re family-friend-foe.

To me life is about seeking and DOING your passion in life…come what may!  We can spend lifetimes exchanging time for money to acquire those “things” that we feel will complete us and make us feel “special”.  Or you can decide…”when will I achieve or create something that feeds my SOUL?”

Meet Kevin and Brad Twitty who have decided to do just that…”feed” their soul’s.  They’re both setting off to travel the world for the next year…possibly year and half.



Brad and Kevin Twitty…both dreamed of traveling the world…so guess what they sold their home, quit their jobs for which they were both very successful at.  Reason being?  BECAUSE!  Because if they don’t…something will never feel complete in their lives…no matter what they do, have, or accomplish.

I personally feel that the status quo life is not for everybody…where is it written that you must go to school, get married, acquire a home and fill it with children…to be normal!  If that is the case for normal then I choose to be Ms. (Ab)bey-Normal.


This post is a testament to aspire your heart’s desire.  Whether it is large or small…do it for yourself.  Create something for yourself that makes you feel special and unique.  Not for the bragging rights…but because it makes you feel so full with pride…that you will not need someone else to confirm your importance.

Here is a phrase from Steve Jobs that I feel is a perfect dedication and send off to Brad and Kevin…and to all others that find the courage to seek what makes them happy in life!

“Here’s to the crazy ones, misfits, rebels, the square pegs in the round holes. The ones who sees things differently.  They have no respect for the status quo.  You can quote them…glorify or vilify them, but the only thing that you can’t do is ignore them…because they change things…they push the human race forward, and while some see them as the crazy ones…we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones that do.”  Steve Jobs

Travel safe-because your lives will never be the same…and that is a good thing!


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Wabi Sabi Life…

After I created the post “Confession’s of an Imperfectionist” I feel that the next appropriate post should be on Wabi Sabi.

No, it is not a condiment that you would find at a Japanese restaurant.

More of a way of life…originating in the Japanese culture…here is a cliff notes version.


Basically it is a desire to live simplistically Wabi4Wabi6

while embracing imperfections and loving organic elements.

Get your Wabi Sabi on today…and free your life, because the rest will follow!

LOVE, Inspire


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Confession’s of an Imperfectionist…

The desire to move through life with a need for perfection is limiting and destructive, but it still remains a primary goal for many!

I do not seek perfection…but I do not desire to create mistakes either.

In my haste to create…mistakes occur!Grammar errors, poor sentence structure and so much more…things that I’m completely unaware of because we each have are own  desired perception of life.


I still hope that you can stop by often and enjoy the content, and experience my world…and it’s constant homage to imperfection!




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1 Basic Step in Finding Happiness in LIFE…

Choosen LIFE...

I have searched, read, and FEEL that de-coding some of life’s greatest mysteries for personal development is really quite simple!

I find the thought process of human dynamics-on how we relate to one another so incredibly fascinating!

My personal answer is simply…to stop obsessing and start embracing, by finding our own individual strength through the power of our choices.

To me using this very simple statement:  “this is something that I DO NOT CHOOSE to have in my life…so I choose to move on and I’m not waiting for your validation.” 

This in a nutshell is the catalyst to obtaining your own personal power.  Period…THE END!

Because you’re either transitioning in life your transgressing (to impede-not allowing forward movement).



Stop finding and discovering the step’s to what you did you wrong, what you could have done better, or how you should perceive the situation that has you tormented.

Stop pleading with others to fill up your bucket of what you are needing and learn to fill it up on your own!

Don’t know how ?  Learn!  This is the true passion of life…your needed soul’s  purpose!  The rest is just noise!

Mic drop!






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Game of Thrones 2016…

OK…one more home…then I will stop!  Found this little lovely number while on line.  Let’s just call this one “ode to life”…simple on the outside complex on the inside!


Classic suburb home that can literally be down the street from you…right?


You walk in the main door to see typical living space.  But then if the owner so chooses to truly invite you in…to the true expression of his soul!  Surprise…no IKEA here!


By no means any desired look that I personally could call home…but love the fact that the true essence of this person’s home has to be discovered if and when the owner chooses…and not just out there for everyone to see.


The cut work on this door and ceiling carry a monster expense!



Hello…huge money…HUGE!  A touch castle for me…I wonder if they keep a dragon in the dungeon (basement)?

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